Collaborate w/ Love!

Open source contribution, but lovely..


Collove is where people Collaborate with Love. A lovely community where people help each other to find solutions and innovate new techs with the help of open source and collaborative tools.

If you enjoy working on open-source projects, regardless of any concern or tech stack, feel free to join the community and work on cool ideas. All your contributions are welcome and will make the world a better place to live.

Code of conduct

Collove is an open-source community. As contributors or maintainers of the projects, we pledge to respect all members who step with us and develop the projects and ideas. We are trying to bring a nice feeling and a positive experience for all the collaborators and open-source enthusiasts.

Since the word "Collove" is made up of two words, "Collaborate" and "Love", the main criteria is to love open-source, helping each other, and team-working regardless of any political, religious or sexual orientation, color, language, non-technical beliefs from any region in any culture.

We're living in a world with billions of identities, personalities, and appearances. We're gathered here to keep doing the same purpose. We're here to improve ourselves, extend our connections, and get to know each other via team-working on open-source projects. We'll learn how to deal with other beliefs and more importantly, how to be nice to everyone and how to make a lovely personality through the community. Long story short, we'll learn how to act in a way that everyone enjoys spending their time with us. :)

Everyone watches an entity from a different point of view. Please keep in mind that we're here to improve our skills and professional ethics. Although there would always be challenges, it DOES matter the way we deal with other beliefs and respect them.

There are some inappropriate behaviors that are listed as follows.

In fact, we would like to have a member with the following characteristics and ethics. Someone who..

This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. It's also applied to the public community/communities that are officially announced as Collove's community.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.